Petra Brodwolf | Sekretariat, Bibliothek

Petra Brodwolf | Physiotherapeutin, Bibliothekarin
Petra Brodwolf | librarian, physiotherapist

Abitur, training as physiotherapist, Bad Säckingen/D

1990 – 93 Physiotherapist

1993 – 95 Employment, Birgli retirement home, Brienz

From 1994 Family work, voluntary work

1995 – 99 Editorial contributions to “Der Brienzer

2002 – 13 Head of exercise programmes at Birgli retirement home, Brienz

2004 – 16 Editorial management of Birgli retirement home newspaper, Brienz

2009 – 10 Training as librarian SAB, PH Bern

Since 2011 Head of School and Community Library Brienz

Since 2013 Secretariat and library of the violin making school Brienz

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