La scuola di liuteria svizzera a Brienz, come moderno istituto d’insegnamento nel cuore della Svizzera, ha come obbiettivo di preparare in modo ottimale le giovani liutaie e liutai per i futuri compiti sul posto di lavoro, e contemporaneamente conservare e svillupare la ricca tradizione di questa professione.
Saturday, March 15, 2025, 7.30 pm
“Croatia meets Switzerland” | Cello & Piano
Alex Ruef (piano) and Branimir Pusticki (cello) play works by Petar Bradović, Claude Debussy and César Franck …read more
Goodbye Simon, welcome Christian
We say farewell to Simon Glaus. He has shaped the violin making school for 38 years and trained generations of violin makers. THANK YOU SIMON!!! WE WILL MISS YOU!!!
Christian Lijsen is taking over from Simon. We are really looking forward to working with you dear Christian.

Our exhibition is open
Wednesdays and Fridays from 2pm to 4pm and on
Saturday from 11 am to 3 pm …learn more

Fotos: © EHB/Ben Zurbriggen, ©James Robert Batten