Markus Fischer | instructor bow-reapairing

Markus Fischer | Bowmaker

1984 – 1988 Apprenticeship as bow maker with Sigfried Finkel, Finkel Bows/CH

1986 Bowmaker Max Möller, Amsterdam

1992 – 1993 Bow maker Shar Products, USA

since 1993 Finkel Bows/CH New bow construction, repairs, restoration

since 2010 workshop manager J. Finkel Bows/CH


Markus Fischer | Archetier
Markus Fischer | Bowmaker

1984 – 1988 Apprenticeship as bow maker with Sigfried Finkel, CH

1986 Bowmaker with Max Möller, Amsterdam

1992 – 1993 Bow maker with Shar Products, USA

since 1993 Bow workshop J. Finkel, CH New bow construction, repairs, restoration

since 2010 workshop manager J. Finkel bow workshop


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